The Prize Never Chases



The Prize Never Chases – How to Have the Right Man Find You has been written specifically for two groups of contemporary women.

The first, single professional women, in their twenties or thirties, who eventually want a fulfilling, successful, lucrative career, a great marriage and children (at the right time).

The second, women in their 40s and 50s and 60s, divorced usually, who are new to the “dating scene”, with grown children (usually), who would eventually like a new life partner (a really great man).

Sadly, women in both demographics find themselves caught in a very real dilemma – not of their own choosing, the current cultural emphasis on sexual freedom and the resulting excessive and unfettered availability of sex.

The problem is, that with the rise of the woman’s movement, the advent of the pill and the opportunity for women to express their sexuality in a more free and open fashion, the dating life for far too many women is primarily made up of joining men at bars and parties.

But not being courted by a man.

Men, of course, revel in this strange state of affairs, thinking, “Oh, you mean we are going to have sex at my place then and then you are going to run off and have drinks with your girlfriends. Really, I can actually have my cake and eat too?”

They then dance around any conversation about commitment and easily distracted by the high supply of sex available at such low cost.

Not good.

The goal of The Prize Never Chases is two-fold:
1. That you end up with a wonderful man in your life
2. That you understand and therefore control the dating process better than you ever have and certainly better than any man you meet along the way.

I call the process of women purging themselves from unhealthy relationships with less than ideal men, and having the right man find them, the “Process”.

The Process – how to have the right man find you – has three stages.

Stage One: Know Who You Really Are and What You Really Want and Need
Sage Two: Know How to Leverage the Dating and Mating Process
Stage Three: Know How to Have the Right Man Find You

In The prize never Chases, you will learn:

  • How to use the strategies science says all successful women use to find a meaningful and happy marriage.
  • The six-step analytical process to choosing the right man
  • Know how to leverage the dating and mating process
  • What makes men fall in love and stay in love?
  • How to make yourself marketable